Wednesday, November 30, 2011

December Letter

Dear Parents,

It is amazing how time flies and that we are nearing the end of our first semester. Assessments have been completed and the question most commonly asked is: How can I help my child learn English?

Over these next few weeks there will be a lot going on at school; many units of study will come to an end to prepare for the new ones we will begin second semester. This can be a very busy time of year and with all of the holiday distractions, it is important for us to recognize that ESL students are still developing their language skills, whether they are receiving ESL support or not, and even over the holidays. We highly advise that you child reads at least 45 minutes a day over the holidays, since acquiring a language is a classic case of, “Use it or lose it.” We want your child to have two full weeks of using English daily by reading the books of his/her choice.

In addition to reading every night, be sure to chat with your child about the skills and knowledge they are learning in social studies, math, reading workshop, writing workshop, technology, etc. Pick a subject a night and ask, “What did you do today in…..”, “What did you think about that?”, “Tell me more…..” Giving your child the opportunity to teach you what he or she has learned in school helps him/her to understand that material better. Letting your child do this in your home language will also help you to check your child’s comprehension of what they are learning in school. This can prove to be especially helpful with the challenging vocabulary that is a part of the current social studies unit.

We wish you a happy, restful, and safe holiday season.

Mark S. Gurecki Virginia Blais Lynn Somers

The Grade 5 ESL Teachers